Invention #002: Pet Excretion Cleaner

So one of the inventions I’ve been thinking about is a cat barf cleaner. The other morning my daughter woke up early and walked out into the front room in the dark. She stepped in the cat barf, then, of course, came to get me to clean it up. If there had been someone awake, like a little robot who doesn’t need to sleep, it could very easily have detected the horking sound, and located and cleaned the wet spot. I’m imagining a little Chibi Robo with a toothbrush, but that’s probably not very practical. Probably a little guy that looks like a bottle cap with carpet cleaner and a towel. In the case of poop (most likely dog not cat), it would have a little shovel and a plastic lined repository to store the poop until it can be cleaned.

Then I came across the really funny/not-funny article on the Guardian about how the Roomba, with no mess detection ability, will smear the mess around the room. We need better designed robots!

Invention #001: Robot Gardener

Why am I still weeding my yard?

This invention would be a robot gardener that would take the weeds out of your yard while leaving plants you want. The gardener could be very small, and would just chew up the weed, including the root and then take all the remains into the compost.

We were thinking of getting those rental goats, but they would have chewed up all the plants we want in addition to the weeds. So you could also have a robot shepherd that would steer the goat to the weeds and keep it away from the plants that you want to keep.