New Work: Humpback Whale 1

This summer I’ve been spending time working on color studies. In my jewelry I work a lot with black and white, but for my original art, my larger pieces, I wanted to explore color.


In exploring color, I wanted to introduce unexpected and bright colors to the animals. I wanted the colors to make the animals a little abstract and not true to life, but brilliant.

Humpback whales are prevalent in California during migration season. For the last two years, you can see the whales easily from the coast; one day in Half Moon Bay, we were standing on the beach and we could see a pod of whales surfacing just past the waves. I’m not sure why they are so close to the coast line, but it amazes me that these huge and gentle creatures and swimming just hundreds of yards from where I’m standing.

Humback 1 is available for preorder as an 18 x 24 or 8 x 10 print.

New Artwork: Coyote

I’m super excited to announce the launch of new artwork that I’ve been working on over the summer. The first piece is Coyote, and is meant as a companion piece to Jackrabbit.


For Coyote I wanted to portray the predator in a softer light, in a kind way. Often people thing of coyotes as aggressive and almost vicious, so I wanted to counter that and present another way of looking at these wild animals. I’ve seen coyotes in the open spaces and in the hills above my house, and they are graceful and careful, but always know where they are going.

Coyote is both rebellious and playful; she symbolizes the trickster, and inspires transformation. She’s always got something up her sleeve, and she can get out of any situation.

Coyote is another piece in my California collection, honoring and portraying native animals in California.

Coyote print is available for preorder in my store in an 8 x 10 size and a 18 x 24 size.

Great White Shark color sketch

20170709_greatwhitesketchSharks are one of the most misunderstood animals; great whites are one of the most feared animals, and current conservation status is Vulnerable. There is a lot we don’t know about sharks, because it’s difficult to observe them and they are difficult to keep in captivity. Great white sharks don’t feed and often die in captivity; the Monterey Bay aquarium has had some success getting them to feed, but has not kept them for a long period of time. Sharks are caught just for the fins (in a practice where the fin is cut off and the shark tossed back to die, which is one of the most cruel practices I can imagine) or get tangled in fishing nets as a result of by catch. Great white sharks are the top of the ocean food chain, and are important to keeping oceans healthy.

Follow this link to dispel some other shark myths!

Steller’s Jay Color Study


To anyone who has ever been camping or picnicing (generally being outside with food) anywhere in the western US, you’ve met a Steller’s Jay. They sit up in trees and squawk very loudly, then suddenly they are swooping down majestically to steal food. Once while camping in King’s Canyon, they stole our bacon out of the hot frying pan while it was still cooking.

Despite their annoying behavior, they are beautiful, with black, high crested heads and bright blue bodies and wings. Being members of the Corvidae family, they are in the family as rooks, magpies, crows and ravens, and are very smart.

In my color study, I wanted to capture the high contrast of the bright blue against their shiny black feathers